Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • M. Bossy is a member of the Scientific Committee of the École Doctorale “Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquées” of the Université de Nice – Sophia Antipolis.

  • M. Bossy is a member of the Collectif Andromede of the PACA Region council.

  • M. Bossy is a elected member of the Inria Evaluation Board, a member of the NICE Committee of Inria Sophia Antipolis –Méditerranée.

  • M. Deaconu is a member of the COST-GTAI (Groupe de Travail Actions Incitatives) of Inria, of Comité des Projets and Bureau du Comité des Projets at Inria Nancy, Grand-Est.

  • M. Deaconu is a member of the Conseil de Laboratoire at Elie Cartan Institute in Nancy.

  • M. Deaconu organized the session Probabilités Numériques in the 11th Colloque Franco-Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées held in Bucharest in August.

  • A. Lejay is member of a editorial board of the collection Séminaire de Probabilités.

  • A. Lejay is member of the scientific committee of the Journées de Probabilités.

  • A. Lejay is general Secretary of Société des Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI).

  • A. Lejay is elected member of the Commission du Personnel of the Institut Élie Cartan.

  • A. Lejay is member of the COMIPERS at Inria Nancy Grand-Est.

  • D. Talay served as the Scientific Deputy of Inria Sophia Antipolis — Méditerrannée.

  • D. Talay, jointly with F. Delarue (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis) and G. Pagès (Paris 6 University), organized the workshop ERGONUM in Sophia Antipolis in June.

  • D. Talay served as an Associate Editor of: Stochastic Processes and their Applications, ESAIM Probability and Statistics, Stochastics and Dynamics, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, SIAM Journal in Financial Mathematics, Journal of Scientific Computing, Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, Oxford IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, Éditions de l'École Polytechnique. He also served as the Co-editor in chief of MathematicS in Action.

  • D. Talay is serving as a member of the Advisory Board of the Centro de Mathematica da Universidade do Porto (Portugal).

  • D. Talay participated to a junior position recruitment committee at Paris 6 University.